YouTube e-commerce – how to use YouTube in an online store

Do you associate YouTube primarily with hours spent watching funny videos and music videos? If you operate in the e-commerce industry, it is high time to change your approach. YouTube is not only an entertainment service – the platform has a really huge marketing potential. See how to use the platform to promote your e-commerce business and how YouTube can help you improve your sales results.

YouTube marketing

YouTube doesn’t need to be introduced to anyone. It’s the world’s most popular video-sharing platform, and you can find literally anything on it. From music videos and funny videos to a variety of themed vlogs, documentaries and more. Polish Internet users spend an average of 40 minutes a day watching videos on the site. There are almost 25 million of them, with the largest group of viewers being people aged 24 to 44 (10 million). The potential of the platform is worth using in e-commerce. What exactly is YouTube marketing? It is the promotion of a company, e.g. an online store, by posting various types of video content on the website. Of course, the idea is to encourage potential customers to buy, but in a different way than traditional advertising. Above all, the published videos should be valuable and attractive to the audience. For example, it’s a good idea to create content that will help users get to know the products you offer better. Interestingly, about 70% of YouTube users watch videos posted on the site before making a purchase decision. Contrary to appearances, running your own channel on the platform does not require large financial outlays or special skills. It is worth looking at the website as an effective tool that can be used to promote e-commerce business.

The potential of video materials

Video marketing, i.e. the use of video materials to promote and build the company’s image, is one of the leading marketing trends today. As part of video marketing, content is published on various channels, not only on platforms such as YouTube. When surfing the web, you can see that videos appear on websites and social media, and are often attached to newsletters. Why are video materials so popular and why can’t they be omitted from your e-commerce marketing strategy? First of all, videos are attractive to the audience, they attract their attention much more, engage them and reach their awareness. They evoke emotions, and for many users they are easier to watch – it is easier for them to watch a video than to focus on reading an extensive article (the film can be watched by doing other things). Even in a short video material, you can convey a lot of content, and videos are perfect for e-commerce as a complement to photos and descriptions on product cards. For example, if you sell clothing, you can not only show how certain items look on live models, in different situations and with different accessories, but also tell you how to wash them properly, or start a series of videos with fashion tips.

How and what to post on your channel?

A well-run YouTube channel definitely helps in e-commerce – it allows you to build trust in the store, gain the sympathy of the audience and show yourself as an expert. It is worth publishing various types of content that can be useful from the point of view of customers, while maintaining some thematic and aesthetic consistency. As part of the promotion of your online store, you can post, for example:

  • videos showing the offered products in action – in the e-store, the customer cannot touch the products before buying, but thanks to the appropriate video material, they are able to get to know the product better;
  • product tests (also compared to competitors’ products) – this type of content also minimizes the restrictions associated with online shopping;
  • Product care resources
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) videos – Before creating such material, it is worth checking what users most often ask about in the comments or what they contact the customer service office about.

Influencer marketing

To be on YouTube, you don’t have to produce your own materials. If you don’t feel up to it, you can start working with an influencer. Vloggers who run thematic channels are highly regarded and trusted by their audiences. Moreover, they are genuine, and subscribers respect their opinion, which is why they are able to purchase the recommended product. Use this in your marketing strategy. The whole secret is to find the right influencer. First of all, it should be related to the industry in which you operate. It is good if he interacts with his viewers. It is also worth getting to know your own customers better, their preferences and find out which channels they are willing to watch. Contrary to appearances, influencer marketing does not have to require a large budget. It turns out that micro and even nano influencers are much more effective than celebrities.

YouTube Advertising

Yet another way to use the YouTube platform for e-commerce purposes is to invest in paid ads that appear before or during the target video material. Given the popularity of the site, it is definitely worth considering. YouTube allows you to target ads in your video campaigns to very precise audiences (e.g. based on demographics, thematic categories or interests). Just like other social media platforms, users can share advertising videos with others. Thanks to analytical tools, it is easy to check whether the campaign is effective or whether it needs to be optimized. YouTube offers a variety of payment options, such as paying for your ad when someone watches 30 seconds of your ad or completes a specific action. It is possible to make changes to the budget at any time.

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